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Low Testosterone (Low T)

Millions of men in the U.S. experience low testosterone, including 40% of men age 45 and older.

Testosterone plays a role in sexual health as well as energy levels, fertility, and bone health. If you are deficient in testosterone, you may experience symptoms of fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, muscle weakness, depression, irritability, loss of sex drive, and erectile dysfunction. Long-term effects of Low T include an increased risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.

Testosterone production naturally declines as a man ages, beginning at about age 30. In addition, a testosterone deficiency may be caused by trauma, cancer treatment, alcohol abuse, kidney failure, pituitary gland disorders, and more.

Two sets of blood tests are typically used to diagnose the condition. The first is used to determine whether you have Low T. The second is used to identify the reason behind the low levels. Ideally, testing for Low T should be done first thing in the morning, when testosterone levels are highest. A urine analysis and sperm analysis may also be used to confirm the diagnosis.

Find out if you might have Low T.

Low Testosterone Treatments

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

The goal of Low T treatment is to reduce your symptoms and improve your energy and overall well-being. Low T is treated with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), which can be delivered through a number of different methods outlined below. You and Dr. Natale will determine which of the following is best for you.

Testosterone Injections

  • Short acting – typically testosterone cypionate, given once every 1 to 3 weeks; this can be done at home or in the office
  • Long acting – a novel drug called Aveed is new on the market and is given every 10 weeks; this must be administered in the office

Topical Testosterone

  • Androderm, which is a patch applied to the skin daily
  • Testosterone gels, including AndroGel, Testim, Fortesta, and Axiron


  • Unique, long-acting medication
  • Small pellets injected under the skin
  • Treatment is administered every 8 to 12 weeks

Low T Doctor in Mint Hill, Concord & Charlotte, NC

Don’t let Low T take the pep out of your step. Get to feeling yourself again and discuss your testosterone treatment options with urologist Richard Natale, MD, in Charlotte, Concord and Mint Hill, North Carolina. Call (704) 786-5131 or request an appointment now.