
Blog Posts from 2021

Is It Normal to Have a Strong Urge to Urinate?

Are you spending too much time in the bathroom? If you’re like 33 million American men, your strong urge to urinate is likely a problem. Why not avoid urinary incontinence with treatment from your men’s health specialist in Charlotte, NC? Dr. Richard Natale provides innovative solutions to this common problem. Why Does Urinary Incontinence Happen?…

How to Choose a Penile Implant and What the Recovery Might Look Like

For the many American men who struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED) or Peyronie’s Disease (penile curvature), the path to satisfying sex life can seem difficult. However, your urologist in Concord, NC, offers a solution that has helped thousands of men just like you. It’s the penile implant, a surgically-inserted prosthesis that creates a normal erection…

How Does a Doctor Diagnose Prostate Cancer?

According to the statistics from the American Cancer Society, there will be an estimated 248,530 new cases and about 34,130 deaths from prostate cancer this year. The alarming prevalence highlights the sheer importance of early detection and diagnosis. If you are a male and in your 50s, it proves prudent to discuss cancer screening with your prostate doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions During A Urology Visit

The urinary system is vital, because it removes wastes and toxins from the body. On the other hand, the reproductive system’s primary goal is self-explanatory. Luckily, we can monitor and take care of these systems with the help of a urologist. To help you prepare for your urology visit, here are some of the most frequently asked questions.

Causes Of Stress Incontinence In Men

Stress incontinence occurs when specific physical movements cause involuntary urine leakage. As the term implies, physical stress triggers unwanted urine flow. Stress incontinence occurs when the urinary sphincter and the pelvic floor muscles are not strong enough to close the urethra. While the condition occurs more commonly in women, it can also present a problem…

Is Peyronie’s Disease Common?

An abnormal curvature of the penis is called Peyronie’s disease. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a division of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), approximately 1% of men in the U.S. have been diagnosed with the condition, but more than 10% of men are believed to actually have it….

Latest Treatments of Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s disease is a men’s health condition in which scar tissue that has formed under the skin in the penis causes a pulling on the organ, creating a curvature during an erection. The curvature can cause pain, and the pain can lead to erectile dysfunction (ED) because it interferes with proper sensation during sex. If…

The Latest In Penile Implant Technology

For patients whose erectile dysfunction (ED) no longer responds to nonsurgical treatment or for those diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease, which can cause painful erections, advances in penile implant technology provide an opportunity to achieve spontaneous erections needed for healthy sex life. There are currently two types of penile implants considered an advanced solution to ED.

Stress Urinary Incontinence After Prostate Surgery

Prostate surgery may come with unintended side effects, including urinary incontinence – which is the partial or total inability to control your bladder. In stress urinary incontinence, you experience urine leakage when coughing, sneezing, lifting heavy objects, or putting any other type of physical stress on your body that affects your abdominal and pelvic area.

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