
Treatments for Peyronie’s Disease

Erectile Dysfunction

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Peyronie’s disease is a condition that leads to a buildup of scar tissue at the base of the penis giving it a bent-looking shape. It is complex and has many possible causes. However, it has many types of treatment available for it.

With Peyronie’s disease, the patients with the best outcomes are usually those who sought out treatment during the acute phase of the disease. Doctors strategize treatment according to how long the patient has had the disease.

If you are curious about the available treatments for Peyronie’s disease, keep reading.

Traction Therapy

In the early acute stage of the disease, the penis takes on physical changes, such as bending or shrinking. With traction therapy, the patient wears a medical device to stretch the penis in the opposite direction of the bend. The device is worn for at least 30 minutes daily to reap the benefits. It is non-surgical and over time can help restore normal penile length for patients with Peyronie’s disease. The force of traction is believed to promote the remodeling of the penis through a process called mechanotransduction.

Injection Therapy

If oral and topical medication does not produce the desired results in patients with Peyronie’s disease medication delivered through injection, such as the FDA-approved XIAFLEX has been effective especially when combined with traction therapy. The medication helps break down the plaque buildup in the penis and makes the penis more pliable or responsive to traction therapy. However, not all patients with Peyronie’s disease are eligible for XIAFLEX, a urologist will need to evaluate the suitability of the patient for injection therapy.

Penile Implant Surgery

For those who have entered the chronic phase of the disease, doctors recommend penile implant surgery, especially if the patient also suffers from erectile dysfunction. During surgery, the urologist uses plication techniques to straighten the penis and prevent bending. There is a process of remodeling that goes on during the procedure that involves the removal of the diseased part and improvement of the curvature, after which, the surgeon inserts the penile implant. The penile implant consists of two cylinders which act as beams two straighten the penis.

Depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor may use a combination of treatment methods to achieve the best results. No two treatments for Peyronie’s disease are the same and doctors make several considerations. All in all, an experienced urologist will create a customized treatment plan for his or her patient.

The Best Urologist in Charlotte, Concord or Mint Hill, North Carolina

Dr. Richard Natale is an expert in treating men’s health issues, including Peyronie’s disease and erectile dysfunction. Often men hesitate to seek help due to embarrassment, however, Dr. Natale has truly seen it all and is compassionate with his patients. Dr. Natale is a leading male urologist in Charlotte and is recognized as one of the best physicians in the greater Charlotte region. To request an appointment with Dr. Natale, call (704) 786-5131 or use our convenient online request form.

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