
What does a Urologist Treat?


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A urologist is a medical specialist who treats issues of the urinary tract and external reproduction organs.  When one thinks of urology, issues that affect men come to mind. However, urologists treat women – and children – too. Here are some of the more common conditions that urologists treat, starting with the men.

Prostate issues

The prostate occupies a good amount of a urologist’s day. That’s because prostate ailments are extremely common, most stemming from an enlarged prostate. While an enlarged prostate does not increase the risk of prostate cancer, it can seriously affect a man’s sexual function as well as his ability to urinate. With one in six men being diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, this extremely common condition is also one of the most easily treated when caught early.

Erectile dysfunction

Commonly known as impotence, erectile dysfunction is defined as when a man is unable to achieve or maintain an erection. There are many reasons why a man might have ED, including heart disease, Peyronie’s Disease, obesity and stress. Having erective dysfunction should not be considered a stigma – it is a legitimate medical condition that merits a confidential evaluation with a urologist.

Low Testosterone

Testosterone is the hormone that causes a man’s voice to deepen, hair to grow on the chest, and muscle mass. Men also depend on testosterone for their sex drive. Low Testosterone is usually diagnosed as a result of any number of symptoms, to include fatigue, exhaustion, low or no sex drive and depression. If a man experiences any of these symptoms, Low Testosterone may be to blame. A urologist can treat Low Testosterone with injections, gels and implants.


No matter how hard a couple tries to conceive a child, there will come a time when the male partner may consider seeing a urologist if the attempts are unsuccessful. A urologist can determine if your sperm count is low, or if the sperms’ quality or mobility are lacking. A urologist may order any battery of tests – to include a scrotal ultrasound, hormone testing and genetic testing – to get to the root cause of your inability to conceive, then work with you for treatment.

Testicular Cancer

Quite common in younger men, testicular cancer can be successfully treated if diagnosed in the early states. A urologist may recommend surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy, or any combination of the three to treat the cancer.


For men or couples seeking highly effective birth control, a vasectomy may provide the best solution. In some cases, vasectomies can be reversed, however, if you commit to the procedure assume it is permanent in case a reversal procedure is not effective. Your urologist will discuss the pros and cons of this procedure.

Remember, urologists treat both men and women. Here are some of the more common conditions that can occur in any member of your family –

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

UTIs are extremely painful conditions that affect the bladder and urethra in the lower tract, as well as the kidneys and ureter in the upper tract. While UTIs are ten times more common in women than men, men are not immune to this condition. UTIs can result from any number of factors; for women they may originate during sexual activity, when bacteria are carried to the urethra through the urinary tract. UTIs may result from severe dehydration or poor hygiene. In men, UTIs can be the result of an infected prostate. If you suffer from painful or burning urination, a UTI may be to blame. Your urologist can confirm this and treat the cause.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are mineral deposits that collect in the urinary tract. As they cluster, they can make urination difficult and extremely painful. While smaller stones may pass during urination, larger stones oftentimes must be broken up during surgery, then passed over time in the urine. Kidney stones are a condition that urologists treat every day, the symptoms of which include a constant feeling that you have to urinate, burning sensations during urination, blood visible in the urine and extreme pain in the kidney area.

Urological Cancers

Urological cancers, which can include bladder and kidney cancers, often are discovered as the result of painful urination, pain in the flank area or lower back, or blood in the urine. Your urologist is trained to treat these cancers, most of which are curable when diagnosed early.

A Urologist in Concord for Men’s Needs

Painful urination, erectile dysfunction, lumps or masses in a testicle, and blood in your urine are just a few reasons many men choose to work with a urologist who specializes in men’s issues. Even before symptoms present, it is wise to see your urologist for on-going check-ups, especially if you have a history or close family member with urological issues. In Concord, N.C., board-certified urologist Dr. Richard Natale is known for his expertise and bedside manner when it comes to the many issues that affect men’s urological and prostate health. Remember, early detection is key to a lifetime of good health. If you are seeking world-class urological care for yourself or the man you love, call Dr. Natale at Carolina Urology (704) 786-5131 or, request an appointment online today.

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