
Things You Need to Know About Prostate Health

Prostate Health

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It’s important that men keep an eye on their prostate health, especially as they get older.

While your primary care physician and urologist can help you determine if there are any issues with your prostate or other genitalia, it’s important you do your due diligence, too.

So, what should you look for to assess your prostate health while in the comfort of your own home?

1.    Check Your Urine

Keep a close eye on any changes in your patterns of urination. If you used to yield a lot more urine and now your stream has significantly lessened, that could be a red flag. What about your bathroom trips; are you getting up in the middle of the night more frequently? Do you find that you always have the urge to go? These could be signs of an enlarged prostate.

2.    Be Aware of Age-Related Risks

Issues with prostate health usually start to develop after men turn 50. Medical experts recommend that men should regularly feel your prostate for changes or signs of enlargement. An annual visit to a urologist can help ensure you stay in tiptop shape.

3.    Know Your Family history

Don’t ignore your family history – it could have answers to your health questions and identify possible risk factors to look out for. If your father, grandfather, uncle, or brother had prostate cancer or issues with their prostate, it means you, too, could be at risk for developing a disease affecting your prostate.

4.    Eat Healthy

Experts agree that there is a link between obesity and a heightened risk of cancer. This is why it is important to eat healthy foods and maintain a normal weight. Aim to work more fruits and vegetables into your diet and include plenty of omega-3s.

5.    Get Plenty of Exercise

Exercise will not only help you ward off obesity, but it will also improve your mood, stimulate your hormones, and give your immune system a boost.

On top of your regular exercise routine, try adding Kegel exercises into the mix. Typically recommended for women, Kegel exercises – in which you repeatedly contract and release the muscles that control urine flow – can help men strengthen their pelvic floor, too. And a stronger pelvic floor can help you better control urination.

To learn more about how to evaluate your prostate health, speak to the health specialists at Carolina Urology in Concord, North Carolina. We are here to help in the realm of men’s health. To book your appointment with board-certified urologist Dr. Richard Natale, call (704) 786-5131 today.

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