
Should Your Significant Other Attend Your Urology Appointments

Support System

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For most people, going to a doctor’s office for even a routine examination is enough to raise blood pressure and spike anxiety levels. As such, it can be beneficial to have a health buddy who goes along for routine checkups and annual tests and who, during your hospital stay, can serve as an extra pair of eyes, ears, and perhaps hands.

Support is critical for a person’s physical and mental health. Social support will help them cope with everyday life’s stressors and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Especially when dealing with medical issues, support is essential. While some men’s health conditions can seem very personal and stressful, having someone with you who loves and cares for your health and well-being might put your mind at ease.

Did you know that studies show that the average patient forgets half of what is said as soon as the appointment ends? From experience, it is good to have your significant other with you, not only just as your support system but also as someone who can help you remember what the doctor said and ensure you get your questions and concerns addressed.

Your significant other and health buddy can help you prepare for a doctor’s appointment by rehearsing possible concerns and writing down important questions. During the visit, your health buddy can ask what you may be reluctant or embarrassed to ask while take comprehensive notes. A health buddy is also indispensable after leaving the doctor’s office, helping you follow the doctor’s advice.

To learn more about urology and the value of having your significant other at your appointment, call Charlotte Men’s Health at (704) 786-5131 to request an appointment with Dr. Richard Natale or request and work online.

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