
Weird Urine Changes: Is it Time to See Your Urologist?


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The urinary system is an integral part of the body’s regulation process. Its primary function is to remove the extra water and wastes the kidneys filter out of the blood. Urine is primarily used to eliminate toxins or things that would otherwise build up in the body that would be bad for the body.

When you notice that your urine has changed color or there’s a strange odor from the toilet, the cause might be something as harmless as what you had for dinner, such as asparagus. It could also indicate a more severe condition, such as an internal infection or cancer. Doctors have looked at urine as a barometer of what is happening in the body for hundreds of years. The urine can tell what you have been eating, how much fluid you consume, and what diseases you might have. Early doctors even tasted the urine of their patients to diagnose their medical conditions, as strange as that may seem. Fortunately, we have made plenty of progress since then, and a simple urinalysis can now make this determination in seconds.

The average person’s urine varies typically from pale yellow to deep amber, depending on the concentration of the liquid, which is determined by the amount of fluid you consume. Darker urine is usually a sign that you’re not drinking enough water, and correction is as simple as consuming more liquids, especially water.

The opposite is also true. If your urine is very pale, you’re either drinking a lot of fluid or taking a diuretic or water pill, which is a drug that forces the body to eliminate excess water.

Urine usually doesn’t have a potent smell. If your urine has a foul odor, you could have an infection or urinary stones, creating an ammonia-like scent. Bottom Line: Pay attention to the color and smell of your urine. Don’t hesitate to contact your urologist if something is out of the ordinary.

If you think you might be having problems with urination or related issues, call Charlotte Men’s Health at (704) 786-5131 to request an appointment with Dr. Richard Natale or online.

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